Sunday, December 2, 2007

drawing ...

to draw - to produce an image using lines or marks on a surface; using ones’ experience to obtain something from a source; allow air to flow in and upward freely so a fire can burn; take in a breath; left standing for flavor extraction; disembowelment; be the cause of a particular response; to remove; attract, induce to reveal or do something; reach a conclusion by deduction or inference from a set of circumstances; formulate or perceive; finish with an even score; an act of selecting components randomly - dragen, tragen ...

meandering lines, no intent or design - pen to paper - moment by moment - energy, split second commitments - building facts of indifference to gradual interest - evidence - focal distraction - referential attraction - when the eye seems stayed, add another page - natural flows, chi to the pen tip - surface resistance - size, pressure, weight - experience - physics of knowing - intuition - rendition - obliteration - focused attention - balance and harmony - lines looking true to the moment - like music would look - energy passed ...

gorky - tiepolo - twombley - picasso - gehry - hunt - marden - mompo - dufy - masson - kandinsky - rothko - rembrandt - pollock - kline - christo - serra - rockborne - seurat - de chirico - michelangelo - carravagio - ruebens - da vinci - massachio - giotto - duer - klimpt - cezanne - de kooning - miro - beuys - van gogh ...